HCN is home to a diverse community and welcomes talented students from around the world. To further its mission of making education accessible, the Himalaya College of Nursing offers a number of financial support options for international students at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Scholarship Committe

The function of the Scholarship Committee is to oversee the scholarship programme and to ensure the timely and fair disposition of scholarship. The committee is charged with publicizing and soliciting applications and making decisions based on the applicants’ responses.  It is also the responsibility of the committee to distribute the scholarship(s) and follow up with recipient(s) to ensure the scholarship(s) awarded is received

Scholarship Critera

  • Financial assistance & scholarships are available for study at Undergraduate level in all disciplines at Himalaya College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
  • Students need to compete for securing admission at the institution and be enrolled in programs.
  • Students in financial need who are already enrolled in participating institutions are also eligible to apply.
  • The eligibility of a candidate is linked to his/her financial needs as assessed by the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee. The financial background of the family of the applicant will be kept in view in this regard.
  • The number of slots will be decided by the universities.